What is Electronic Drift?

Now that I've been regularly blogging for a few weeks, I think its time for me to concretely articulate my vision for this space. What is this blog about? What does electronic drift mean?

Electronic drift, in my opinion, describes American society today. We are adrift amongst electronics of all sorts. We are constantly bombarded by media, and our brains spend all day processing information received simultaneously from multiple sources.

This blog is my way of navigating our media-heavy world, mostly through the world of documentaries (but not exclusively so). The documentaries I pick are generally about issues that I think are important to society today. They either directly depict modern society or have some bearing on it. I have no training in filmmaking. I wasn't a communications major. I'm just a lay-person sharing my opinion. I also plan on sharing my thoughts on media stories, newspaper articles, movies, books, and other blogs. I might even dust off my law degree and occasionally throw in my two cents on a recent court decision or legal controversy.

I have no idea where this will lead because I started this blog with no explicit agenda. This is just a way for me to organize my thoughts and hopefully receive a bit of feedback from interested readers.

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